International Week activities on HIV/AIDS in Buenos Aires



RedTraSex participated in activities organized by ICW Global in Buenos Aires.

“Mujeres Viviendo con VIH/Sida” (ICW Global), chaired by Argentinean Patricia Pérez, organized in the city of Buenos Aires a series of activities related to corporate social responsibility.
Women from 15 countries met in Buenos Aires for training, contact social and political leaders, and engaging society in the context of the feminization of the pandemic.
The activities ended on October 4 with the Annual Gala held at the Hotel Four Seasons, which was attended by around 300 national and international personalities. «CSR, world of work and AIDS» was the theme of the dinner involving Global ICW world leaders from 5 continents, representatives of United Nations, national, provincial and local government, in addition to athletes, artists and entrepreneurs in a social response to the pandemic.
ICW Global is the only global network integrated and directed by women living with HIV-AIDS. This opportunity came up with the slogan «You + 1: Add», which has the goal that every person tries to share learning with at least one other person, who will continue to circulate information.

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