Against the decree that criminalizes sex work



Fellows from OMES held a press conference and marched demanding to distinguish in a legal manner sex work from trafficking.

“Within the framework of the celebrations of International Day of Female Sex Workers, the female sex workers from Organización Mujeres en Superación took a proposal to Congress demanding changes to Decree 09-2009, such as: to distinguish prostitution from trafficking, the recognition of sex work as work, safe work places and to avoid harassment and abuse from police”, explained Yanira Tobar, president of OMES.

«Today, we remember our fellows who were brutally beaten. And today, throughout the region, our fight against violence and for our rights unites us, no matter how far we are,» said Yanira.

While some claims continue, as the absolute rejection of police abuse or discrimination, networking and strengthening of each RedTraSex organizations show progress… much progress.

«The media are now learning to call us “sex workers”, with respect and dignity. This year we have been received in the Legislative Palace, in Human Rights and Women Rights Commissions to listen to our demands, and we are being invited to participate in different networks”, said the president of OMES excited.

Certainly, there is still a long way, but the path of the Guatemalan fellows confirms that the direction is the right one.

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