The representative Evelia Yucra was accepted to join the MCP‘s Technical Team in Bolivia for the Global Fund Round 11 proposal.
On October 7, Dr. Carola Valencia Rivero, President of the HIV/AIDS Technical Commission for Round 11, signed the letter accepting the leader of ONAEM —Evelia Yucra— to be part of the drafting committee of the HIV proposal for Round 11 of the MCP. This is a very important step for Bolivia. ONAEM had already asked for their inclusion in the team, but as response, they were said that would be called as «special guests» and not permanent, since “epidemiological reasons” would not permit them to be part of the Committee. The confusion was that sex workers women would not be considered a «relevant population» based on epidemiological statistics. Fortunately MCP members revisited the Global Fund policies and noted the technical error that excludes them of the proposal for a simple matter of percentages.