Merced Street and a long history of fight



During the celebration of 8th of March in Mexico City, the workers women demanded that the authorities do not take them into account. Particularly the claim is directed to the deputy Rosy Orozco, president of the Special Commission for Combating Trafficking in people.

“The authorities consider us victims of trafficking and pimps, but in their operations, police treat us worse than criminals,” said Rubí, a sex worker women, to the Independent News Agency Noti-Calle.

On La Merced street is common to find police making money from sex workers women, who report them to chase, rob money and extort their customers rather than stop the thieves in the area: “It is no use having them if all they do is take away the bread from our mouths,” said the workers women to the Agency.

The workers women say there is much despair because money is not enough and that closing the hotels where they worked has created more competition between them.

The sex workers women who participated in the defense of La Merced street say that to maintain that “who works owns the corner” has cost them deaths, arrests, beatings and threats of the political class which has ruled the city and now have no problem in trying “to delete” them, say the founders of Brigada Callejera (Street Brigade), an organization that has been distinguished by mobilize sex workers women against forced prostitution, extortion and child prostitution for over 20 years.

Against repression and exclusion from the political class”, in the Brigada Callejera clinic held the women’s fight for their autonomy, with a health campaign with the participation of sex workers women, women from other unions and neighbors of the historic center in dental care services, psychological counseling, implementation of quick tests for HIV/AIDS, Pap and acupuncture.

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