Presentation of the Project: The Other Side of Sex Work



On September 21, in the city of Cochabamba, there was a presentation of the postcards project: «The Other Side of Sex Work». Eight postcards with pictures of everyday life and work of Sex Workers Women in Bolivia which seek demystifying the image that society has on this group and creating a transformation in the imaginary.

«The customer will not be stigmatized»

One of the postcards is titled «The customer will not be stigmatized.» ONAEM said on its website that according to the prevailing logic of gender, it is privileged sexual abstinence in women, while men sexual activity is celebrated. In this sense, sexuality becomes the measure to talk about decent or indecent women.

When discussing sex work we rarely take into account the social relation of supply-demand.

This symbolically contributes to violence against sex workers women, prioritizing the client’s anonymity and establishing the unequal power relationship between them.
The client is not under consideration on sex work. Customers have no obligation to take care of their health, as well as the sex worker woman carries her health card. We denounce the double moral and advocate for the appreciation of human sexuality and social responsibility.

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