No more aggression and murders



Statement from the La Asociación de Mujeres “Las Golondrinas” from Nicaragua, member of the Red de Trabajadoras Sexuales de Latinoamérica y del Caribe (RedTraSex) and Red Nacional de Nicaragua. We report the brutal attack suffered by our fellow worker Eneyda Moreno Chavarría in the hands of José Anselmo Amador Granados.

By this means we publicly report before the women organizations from Nicaragua and other countries, before the national Human Rights organizations, the Nicaraguan Human Right Attorney´s Office, the Public Secretary, donor organizations and agencies as well as graphic and TV media in our country, the brutal and dastard aggression in Mulukukú town on November 17th at 4 pm of the young sexual worker Eneyda Moreno Chavarría who is 20 years of age, born on the same city by José Amador Granados who is 48.

The aggressor sticked several big knife wounds to fellow worker Eneyda Moreno cutting four of her left hand fingers and one in the right hand plus two deep wounds in the head and beatings in her body. The victim was hospitalized in the public hospital of Mulukukú.

“Las Golondrinas” through their coordinator Fany Lilian Tórrez was present in Mulukukú on Sunday 18th November to support the victim and have a voice before the police and local municipal authorities so that the aggressor was not freed. He had been captured the same day of the aggression thanks to the support of the victim´s family and the national local police.

The attacker was taken on Monday 20th to the Siuna Municipality where he will face charges for very serious injuries before the Public Secretary and the Municipal Court.

Fellow worker Eneyda is a single mother of an almost one-year-old son. Both, her and her family, have the lowest economic means.
By this means we resort to solidarity from all women organizations as well as Human Right organizations and public and private institutions for preventing the aggressor to being freed as it happens in many cases, and prevent impunity.

We need in this information to be disseminated so that she has the necessary attention and that the aggressor serves sentence and the victim of this horror may recover and receive the necessary care.

ASOCIACION DE MUJERES LAS GOLONDRINAS Phone (505) 27725520 OFFICE. Contact Coordinator Fany Lilian Torrez R. CEL. 88208502, 84018060

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