New leaders in Chinandega department



Currently, thirty women are being trained in Chinandega and Chichigalpa.

The Asociación Girasoles in Nicaragua, with support from Médicos del Mundo, is coordinating a project that will extend over three years and aims at forming leaders in Chinandega, bordering department with Honduras in northwestern Nicaragua. There live more than 400 sex workers women. Currently, 30 women are being trained in Chinandega and Chichigalpa. The meetings are held once a month and each participant agrees to train fifteen other workers, providing information and educational materials about proper condom use, tests and STI prevention, Human Rights, Sexual Rights and Reproductive Self-care.
The representative of Asociación Girasoles, Maria Elena Davila, said: «As an organization, this is a process that will be giving strong long-term results. It depends on the commitment and good will of each one of them. We emphasize that we should love, care and protect each other to prevent everything that affects us daily in sex work. We have grown, and we can say that all this work has very positive results». She also thanked the support that always receive from UNFPA, CIES, REDTRANS, USAI/PREVENSIDA, USAI/PASCA and the Office of Human Rights.

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