National Meeting



Fellows of ONAEM held a national meeting which was attended by representatives of the nine departments of Bolivia.

The past 19, 20 and 21 of September, in the city of Cochabamba, was held a meeting of representatives of the Sex Workers Women of Bolivia’s nine departments that are part of the ONAEM. During the conference, there were held a series of workshops on leadership, activism and the RedTraSex Project for the tenth round of the Global Fund was socialized to the attendees.

As a corollary, teams developed a public document that was presented on September 21 at the National Television Channel 7 and before various representatives of partner institutions. It can be read by clicking here.
During the workshop significant contributions were shared by the RedTraSex team, from its extensive experience in the field of activism and sex work, with the attendees. «It was a valuable opportunity for the leaders of the different departments to exchange experiences and bespoke situations in which leadership emerged as a need to move forward with different goals,» said Evelia Yucra, leader of the movement of sex workers women in Bolivia.

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