Meeting with the First Lady of El Salvador



The First Lady of El Salvador, Vanda Pignato, received representatives of the RedTraSex.

On 18 February, the REDTRASEX Executive Secretary, Elena Reynaga, with Haydee Lainez —national representative in El Salvador— and fellows of REDLACTRANS met with the First Lady Vanda Pignato, who is also Secretary of National Social inclusion. The meeting was possible thanks to the enormous generosity of the REDLACTRANS, who invited our organization to share the interview. During the meeting, an institutional presentation about both networks was made, and Orquídeas del Mar was introduced as the Focal Point of REDTRASEX nationwide. Speaking to the press, Vanda Pignato said after the meeting: «I do not want to be a First Lady who gives things, rewards or participates in parties; I want to be a first lady who is with the people and that can help the president to know what the people need».

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