Letter to the Brazilian Secretary of Health Mr. Alexandre Padilha



RedTraSex seconds the numerous civil society manifestations asking the Secretary of Health for the proper fund investments for the prevention of HIV/AIDS. We share the letter sent to the Brazilian authorities by the Executive Secretary.

To the Secretary of Health of Brazil, Mr. Alexandre Padilha
On behalf of the Red de Trabajadoras Sexuales de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (RedTraSex) we would like to request the revision of the Decree passing affecting funds that Brazil has approved for the exclusive use on HIV/AIDS programs.

There are no grounds for funds allocated for a specific disease to be reallocated to general health programs. There are also no grounds for the millions of reals of the HIV/AIDS program to lay idle in several estates or municipalities.

Over the last months there have been serious questionings by Brazilian NGOs on the current government commitment against AIDS and were this decree to be ratified there would be no doubt about the lack of importance and the national de-funding response.

We regret that a country that has been a leading example in Latin America is weakening efforts when they are most needed for the prevention and treatment of HIV in low-access populations, sex workers, transgenders and men having sex with other men.
In the hope that a reasonable criteria be applied preventing a repudiate measure, yours sincerely.

Elena Reynaga, RedTraSex Executive Secretary.

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