Fellow Evelia Yucra is the first female sex worker in Bolivia who achieved to include her profession in her identity card. This is a milestone for both sex workers and the country in recognizing the right of identity.
After more than two years of work in this direction, Evelia –president of the Organización Nacional de Activistas por la Emancipación de la Mujer (ONAEM)– reached this achievement on Thursday 27th of September, a fact that undoubtedly will set a precedent.
«This is the key point to encourage others. I want other fellows to dignify their work, they lose the shame, to take off the backpack of guilt«, said Evelia to Los Tiempos newspaper.
As demonstrated by the recent *murder in Peru*, anonymity and invisibility only encourage the abuse and discrimination to which female sex workers are subjected daily. On the contrary, from ONAEM promote the empowerment of women and recognize that «only showing our faces we can enforce our rights«.
Evelia is aware that this is an important step to move away from the victimization to which the society condemned them and to make their rights respected. «The women from RedTraSex chose recognize ourselves as sex workers, because through our work we have food on the table for our families, we have survived and we have economically overcome. Then, why not call us workers?«, explained Evelia.
«We believe this is an advance against social stigma and discrimination against female sex workers. It is a great achievement for fellow Evelia Yucra and for all those who are part of ONAEM, a recognition of the activism of many years», declared from the Bolivian organization in a statement.
The ONAEM’s president was the first, we now expect more female sex workers proud to show their identity cards, which recognizes their freedom to choose.
Press notes
Los Tiempos.com
El Tunari.com
Diario El Día