High-level meeting on AIDS in New York



From 8th to 10th of June, representatives from the international community, chiefs of state and governments met at the UN headquarters (New York) in order to consider the progress on the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and 2006 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS.

Redtrasex Executive Secretary Elena Reynaga participated also as a member of the Argentine official representatives as well as Lucila Esquivel from the Paraguayan UNES. Their participation was supported by UNFPA.
UN Member States adopted new Declaration reaffirming commitments taken and setting forth a new set of actions that will help to guide and support a worldwide response to the epidemic in the near future. Likewise Latin American and Caribbean civil society organizations came together to draw up a document expressing their standing on the official Declaration in which they pointed out their disagreements. Such standing expressed by 98 delegates welcomes some of the official document hits and argues others such as the Political Declaration paragraph stating that legislative, cultural and religious rules from individual countries are above universal rights. Goals proposed were regarded as realistic nevertheless many governments’ political intentions underline economic interests over life. Furthermore the omission of trans communities and poor language denominations on immigrants, native peoples and non-injection drug users was highlighted as well as the concern for other omissions such as homophobic, transphobic and sex workers discriminations, considered as HIV-increasing-vulnerability factors.
The document is very interesting and can be read in full <>

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