Educational celebrations



As part of the festivities of «San Juan Paha», in the town of Caaguazú, UNES conducted HIV education activities aimed at raising awareness about condom use.

The activity was organized in the framework of the project «Avanzamos» for the 8th Round of the Global Fund as part of strengthening of the National Response to HIV/AIDS that UNES together with other organizations are conducting.

The Paraguayan organization, member of RedTraSex, adapted traditional gaming of that country to deal with HIV prevention. The activities were dedicated to key populations: trans sex workers, female sex workers and men who have sex with men, and was attended by over 100 people.

«It was a moment of educational leisure involving several organizations working on the issue of HIV/AIDS. Thanks to our innovative work we managed that the print media and radio covered the event, so we reach a lot more people than attendees«, said Lucila Esquivel, president of Unidas en la Esperanza and member of the Board of the RedTraSex.

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